Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What happens in Canada stays in Canada....

Last year, I worked with a 6th grade classroom teacher to blend a lesson she had for her class with a project I wanted the kids to perform in my computer class.  My project was working with Microsoft Word to create an alphabet book.  Each letter had a page and each page had to have a picture along with the text.  The classroom teacher was teaching a unit on Canada.  What a perfect opportunity for me – the new (to the district) computer teacher!  I will teach my lesson and score points with the classroom teacher.  Wonderful!
Since these students had not had any ‘formal’ training in any of the computer applications, I got the chance to show them around.  They were doing quite well, but had difficulty looking up specific items on the web.  They would search for general terms like “Canada” and expect to get results for specific animals, etc.  It was a sharp learning curve.
After the second day or so, the teacher came to me before school a bit distraught.  A parent had contacted her regarding some images her son had seen on Google while doing this project.  After she explained what the images were, I assured her that there was no way those images could bypass Google’s safeguards and the district’s firewalls.  Just to assure her, I sat down at a student computer and searched with the same terms the student had used, “Things in Canada”.  Well, I will save you the details, but let’s just say I didn’t know you could do that in any country, even Canada!  Wow!  And me, the new teacher, was responsible for this child seeing these images. 
So after I scraped myself off the floor, I sat down to write a note to administration, teachers, and parents.  I explained to them that in spite of the best safeguards in place, accidents happen.  We can do our best to assure that our children are safe from harm, but they still will occasionally get hurt.  With that in mind, we cannot put our children in a bubble in order to assure they are protected.  Instead we need to teach them how to navigate the world.  And a part of their world is the internet.  Are there bad things out there?  You bet there are!  Will we do all we can to prevent them from entering the school.  Yes!  But will we always be there to stop the ‘buggy man’ from entering their lives- Absolutely not.  That is why we need to give them the tools to handle situations like this.
Sexting, cyberbullying, and the like need to be addressed in the same way.  It is easy to say, “Just say no.” (Thank you Nancy Reagan……) but the reality is much more difficult.  We serve our students better by teaching them how to deal with it.  If we show them the rights and wrongs, actions and consequences, then they can be informed ‘surfers’.  These kids are not dumb!  If Joe’s non-netbook shows nothing else, it should make people realize that this generation picks up technology with little to no effort.  There is no fear.  What a wonderful frontier to explore when you aren’t afraid of hitting the wrong button and crashing the system. 
Regarding my 6th grade students and Google searching – I took the opportunity to discuss with them the merits and pitfalls of searching.  I explained how to do a ‘good’ search and that if you can’t find what you are looking for in the first page or so, you need to rephrase your search.  But, I’ll be honest, it was a ‘teaching moment’ I would have gladly passed up!
Canadian Flag:

NET, MET, Local ET plans and a healthy dose of sarcasm.....

George:  "O.K. Someday—we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and—"

"An’ live off the fatta the lan’," Lennie shouted. "An’ have rabbits. Go on, George! Tell about what we’re gonna have in the garden and about the rabbits in the cages and about the rain in the winter and the stove, and how thick the cream is on the milk like you can hardly cut it. Tell about that George."

"Why’n’t you do it yourself? You know all of it."

"No…you tell it. It ain’t the same if I tell it. Go on…George. How I get to tend the rabbits."

"Well," said George, "we’ll have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens. And when it rains in the winter, we’ll just say the hell with goin’ to work, and we’ll build up a fire in the stove and set around it an’ listen to the rain comin’ down on the roof—Nuts!" (Of Mice and Men p.119-123)
The passage above is from the wonderful classic by John Steinbeck – Of Mice and Men.  Anyone who has ever read this book (and I think we all have at some time in our high school years) can remember how George would tell Lennie about how perfect it would be someday for them.  “Cream so thick you can hardly cut it.”  Heaven……a land of milk and honey…….at least in the eyes of these two men.  Technology’s version of this heaven, a land of milk and honey, can be found in the National Education Technology Plan. 
Now please don’t think I am a pessimist about everything.  But I am a realist.  And school funding at a state and federal level has made the dream world of the NET completely unrealistic and, at present time, unattainable.
The Michigan Education Technology Plan is in line with the NET, but a bit more realistic.  I feel the state has given goals that, given a glimpse of better economic times, may be remotely doable.  Idealistic?  Yes.  But we all have to have dreamers somewhere in the plan in order to improve ourselves.
Our district technology plan is……sad.  Is it in line with Michigan and National Education Technology Plans?  Yes.  It sure looks good on paper.  But you see, I sit on the technology committee and see firsthand the struggles faced by our support staff trying to meet the needs of the teachers and students.  Our entire program can be summed up into, “How do we fit this Band-Aid over this problem to get a little more life out of it?”  There is no expansion or improving of technology.  We simply do all we can to maintain the status quo.  And, because of aging equipment, we are losing that battle.  Heck, I am writing letters to corporations requesting corporate help in improving our district’s technology.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.
The district technology plan is also old (written in early 2008) and is due for a rewrite next month.  Do you think I could help weave a tale the caliber of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men when I help rewrite it?  Perhaps if you come back to the site next year, and read somewhere in it, “Can I feed the rabbits George?  Can I? Can I?”  You will know I had a hand in it.

Gwinn Area Community Schools Technology Plan: